
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

online photo printing

Its time to re-arrange all the photos taken for the past one year.  Oh boy, I noticed that there are thousand of photos safekeep in the laptop.   I have to really look into it to print some photos out through internet.

Ya, you didn't hear me wrong!

Do you know that eoe Online, a home-grown Malaysian photo retail site is having a promotion that each 4R print is charged at only RM0.30 and RM0.50 for each 5R print.  Sounds cheap right? 

To be frank with you, I have done my printing from eoe Online last year and I did received my 50pcs of 4R photos FOC by submitting my blog review to eoe Online... (don't jeolous... you may refer to my previous blog here and here)

Beside, they are also given free delivery for orders above RM35.00, you’ll get your money worth! Not forgetting the time you saved travelling too!

You will never get this price from any other photo outlet except eoe Online. hahaha...

And now...... I would like to announce to you that eoe Online is currently having a NEW Specials of the Month Product Shopping to fellow customers.

So dear friends, if you are looking for a economic camera, please hop to eoe Online now!  Don't miss this opportunity!

Friday, June 11, 2010


刚刚在爱宝育儿论坛 - 《亲子》长期征稿:我的育儿妙招(孩子坏习惯纠正妙法)




我女儿,简称YL 好了。她已经两岁三个月,基本上她都不爱吃粥,更何况吃饭。所以很多时候,当我要喂她时,都会问她: YL,鲨鱼的嘴巴是怎样的?于是,她就会把嘴巴张得大大,接着就把嘴巴忽开忽关,过后就会把饭慢慢放进自己的嘴巴里嚼。



肚子饿的时候,就会告诉我们说要喝 NEN NEN,我都会回她说:好!你坐在一旁等妈咪泡奶给你,好吗?她也会立刻回答说:好。就乖乖坐在那里等。也不会大哭,大闹。吃饱后都会摸着肚子说:饱饱,过后就闪开了。

冲了凉,偶尔不爱梳头;就会哄她说:妈咪带你去看butterfly或壁虎。她就会往高处找壁虎或蝴蝶,然后就乖乖的,让我帮她梳头,过后带她照镜子说:YL 美美了。她听后,都会很开心,对着镜子大笑。











我女儿已经长大了,从一个小不点到现在一个两岁的小瓜,时间过得真的是很快。。。很多时候都希望,时间能够停留一下下,让我享受多一点这么愉快地 baby times!

惊喜2 -- How are you? B(W)ell...

Backdated 4 June 2010


当时候我还在外面晒衣服,就没有到房间看看。我弟弟也这么巧起床,就帮我哄她... 过后我才抱着她出来,告诉她说:不要哭,小个便,要听话!





突然间自己讲了一句: How are you? b(W)ell...


“How are you? b(W)ell...”

过后我才问候她,纠正她说“How are you?I'm fine, thank you。”



这也是她给我的惊喜2,好一句:“How are you? b(W)ell...”


Backdated 2 June 2010



two, three, four, five. (这本磁铁书的数目字只到‘五’)


接着我又拿另外一本hard cover book,每一页的念;诶,她可以念到six, seven 哦。。。

我真的是太太太太高兴了,就继续教她。。。就这样数着数着,从这天晚上开始,她果真自己念one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten....


我平时考她的时候,她也还记得这些数目字,偶尔会把eight 吞进肚子里,我暗示了过后,就又记得起,而给我尴尬的笑脸一个。

现在的她,已经可以自己数华语和英语的数目字从1-10, 我接下来的目标将会下十个数目字11-20,一步一步来,希望可以看到更好的成绩。





而另外有个朋友刚刚才生,也是很好奇写:huh, your girl girl ar?。我就回想:是因为你儿子才刚三个月,还不会面对这样的问题,当你的儿子有我女儿这么大时,你就会明白了!




我的同学都是很好命,孩子都让保姆顾;甚至还可以来个ladies trip,到马六甲两日游;








但是却很难开口告诉老板说:Mr xxx, can I take 1 month leave?












Saturday, June 5, 2010

first kitchen cooking set

Today Lai Yi Yi bought a kitchen cooking set to baby.  She love this very very much and finally have a chance to 'chop' the vegetables and meat! hahahaa...

She keep on busying in her own kitchen and pouring water to make drinks for us.

she:  "he sui (have a drink) 喝水."
me:  "thank you."

It is very funny and she looks cute in enjoying her work at the 'kitchen'.

PS:  no pictures taken as her cooking set is very messy on the floor.

cheapest board again!

Today, we hang out at the RM1.99 shop and noticed that they sell this...

7pcs wooden board 七巧板;

16 pcs wooden board.

If I not mistaken, it was commonly used in Shichida Method in training our left and right brain.  And the price selling in Shichida Centre is quite expensive.  So without a thinkle, I bought a set each for the girl. There are another set is bigger than the 16 pcs wooden board at a different price, cost less than RM5.00.

My girl immediately asking me to open the wrapper and trying very hard to play on it.  Tell you, I'm not very sure how to play on it, but it is hard to place all the stick back to the board.  And of course, the above pictures taken is showing my way in stuffing all the stick at the board. 

So we are still in a learning stage in knowing the concept of this board and will encourage my girl to finish it.

It is a very interesting game, no harm trying...

MIL birthday

We have a simple birthday celebration for mother-in-law last Thursday.  There are only few of us at home with some simple dishes prepared by Moon.

The MIL doesn't like to have a birthday cake cutting session as she feels that this session is for the youngsters.  LOL... However, the whole session run very smoothly. 

The birthday 'girl' with baby is ready to cut the cake.

MIL with Mandy and family.

That's Nick family without Nick as he was out to pass something to the friend.  So the photographer of the night is me... hahaha, except this photo, it was taken by Mandy's husband.

Moon and friend with a 'V' sign.

Part of the drinks we have.

It tooks an hour to finish the session, fast heh... As all of us prefer to clean up the place and have a chit-chatting among ourselves.

Anyway, wish MIL a very happy birthday, may your wish comes true...

some story books

I bought some story books from an online store for my girl last 2 weeks during their promotion.  In fact, I have also planned to buy some book for myself.  Therefore, I have sapu about 12 books from the store.

It tooks 2 days as they are located at Johor.  Look at the picture shown below:

The parcel I received.

The box of parcel are filled with the books I bought!

I was asking the girl to sit near a side for me to take a photo together with the books I placed on the floor, but she is on a 'not willing' mode...

Most of the books I bought is mainly for the girl and there are 3 books is belongs to me, the lady boss also sharing a book with me without any additional charges.

This shop is selling lots of books in a reasonable price, I have did some survey that the books they are selling is the cheapest and the quatity of the books are good.

This is not the first time I bought from the shop but the 2nd time.  I have also listed some of other books for my next batch.  Hope that I can finished all the books in a shortest period.

Tell you, my girl love all the colourful story books too.