There are a lot of things we need to learn after becoming as a parent of Yvannie. We share our laughter and happiness.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
今天早上 全体上下的工作人员都很兴奋 因为啊 大马足球东锦赛夺冠 首相列明天为公假 我到了办公室之后 第一件事就是取消我的假期 哈哈哈哈 我又省多一天 明年继续用 你说 是不是一大喜事呢 所有人都拍烂手掌了 还有哦 这是有史以来第一次 列二零一零年十二月三十一日,星期五为公假 仅此一年而已 我们都可以享有连续三天的假日哦! |
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Flight confirmed!
3 more weeks to go! His flight confirmed falls on Saturday (mid)night (15 January 2011), will spend
Knowing that their travelling package is above RM3K, includes a night stay in Hwachuan and Gangwon-do (Mt Sorak and Ski Resort). Too bad that I didn't join them |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Still remember I mentioned that we plan to have a family outing this month? I didn't arranged for any trip at all and the best word to describe me is "lazy"... I'm too lazy in arranging our accomodation and I still prefer to stay at home during weekend. Somemore, I'm scared of terrible traffic jam here in KL and other places. Don't you think so? Pity my sweet heart... She looks so boring from the picture! |
Thursday, December 16, 2010
外面 突然间下起了绵绵的细雨 如果有张床让我躺着 那该会是多好啊! 如果 我是说如果 如果下雨的时候 能够和另一半 在雨中漫步 浪漫之情 尽在不言中 而不是像图中的企鹅 独自漫步 回想起孩提时代的我 和一班书友 在雨中狂奔 管不了大人的视线 跑到学校外面的车站 衣着湿淋淋的 颤抖着身体等巴士 好不狼狈 多希望时光倒流 好让我更加地珍惜 我的童年 |
"砰!" 一声巨响 朦朦胧胧之中惊醒了过来 原来我的娃儿从床上睡跌下来了 "哇哇哇..." 哭了相当久 可怜的她 应该是非常的害怕 我的抱着她坐在床上 安抚她的小心灵 才停止了哭泣 看了看时钟 已经是清晨的六点了 我未免也太疏忽了 忘记看她的睡姿 否则可以避免这一跌 之前小小的时候 也曾经半吊在蚊帐之中 可是她现在是一包米的重量了 蚊帐也支撑不了 结果就这样跌睡在地面上 幸好头部没有任何瘀青 不幸中的大幸了 |
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
钱 --- 太作怪了
当了白领一族这么多年 屈指一算 快接近14年了 可是 银行户口的数目字不见增加 反而减少了非常多 不要算投资(不多,或许该说没有) 倒是债务一年比一年增加 单单是信用卡的债务 就真的是越欠越多 还有其他的费用等等 超级恐怖 钱啊钱 老娘越来越穷了 虽然我不怕挨苦 可是 不要让我辛苦这么久 好让我在家摇摇脚 享受享受一下人生 希望明年开始 财神爷爷能够眷顾下我 不妨来我家常住 |
Bonus time
It's Bonus Time! Everybody is busy 'talking' about their bonus quantum around the office. Of course, they are approaching me to tell them how much they get or what is their final score... Don't make me susah, can ar? Although I know the result this morning, I will not tell you guys, let the boss make the announcement, ok? *Hint: Our finance personnel are getting the highest score with very good bonus! |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
33 months old
Her own way of drinking milk, bossy style and funny looking.
She is my after work boss whom I reporting to everyday.
She did lighten up my day when she is my good girl,
She also turning down my mood when she is throwing her tantrum,
She is my only precious ---> Yvannie.
Sorting games
On 2 December 2010, she is sorting out this colourful ABC magnets into 4 groups without my guidance.
I've freeze this magnets nearly a year... thought of teaching her ABC, but she managed to learn A to Z from a book, so it has become part of her colour sorting tools.
The girl with "V" pose again when she has complete the task. LOL.
Monday, December 6, 2010
jailbreak her
How to jailbreak her? Google around this morning, don't know which is which... Frankly, I'm lack of i-products knowledge and also i-operating system (OS). I got to start from zero, move my finger around, pressing the button, this and that... Aduh, headached... man! Anyway, its time to harvest my strawberry in Smurf Village! huhuhu... |
败家 @ de iPad
昨天终于在Harvey Norman 买了一部 32GB iPad... 为什么会在 Harvey Norman买,而不是machines 咩? 起初,我们打算到KLCC 的machines 下手,可是她却已经在Harvey Norman逛了,于是唯有到哪里见面才作打算。 我们两家人在店内溜达了半个小时,商讨了一轮过后,决定每人各拿一部 32GB iPad;我们也没拿HN的配套,补贴RM599可以获得多两年的报修,另送3个护套(其中一个是iPad的,另外两个是别家出产的护套),你觉得有这个必要拿这么多护套吗? 值得拿吗? 付款过后,心想:Low Yat Plaza应该会便宜点吧,于是决定由我们负责买镜纸和护套,。各分东西后,就出发了。 在Low Yat Plaza溜达了数个小时,不曾找到适合自己的护套,倒是让我们找到便宜的镜纸,两张蒙砂的镜纸才RM99,值得到。。。不用多想,就付钱走人了! 至于我们要找的护套,真的是很彻底的失望,如果我买别家的护套需要耗上RM120+,倒不如直接买苹果牌的,对不? 于是就决定放弃,打算今天才上网买苹果牌的。。。 离开了Low Yat Plaza,在金河广场拿车时,老公不死心,又在金河顶楼看,那里的店真的很少卖iPad的护套,只有其中一间店,被老公瞄到了,不管三七二十一,直接走了进去,就问了问店员售价,虽然标价是RM99,他就开价说RM80,我再要求折扣,可是却不得要领,算了吧,已经便宜许多,于是就杀了两个回来。 其实我们在Low Yat Plaza的一间批发店看到更加便宜的护套,可是却不做零售,真的是太过分了,有生意都不做! 随便了,已经跑了一整天了,双脚也累到不行了,总算买到东西收工。。。可怜的女儿在车上灌了一瓶奶后就呼呼大睡了。 而我,则忙着Set up 和 Sync,凌晨一点才睡觉。。。 现在,倒是烦着做Jailbreak! 也担心着,昨天已经放了我的信用卡号码在itunes的户口里,究竟有没有买了些要付费的运用程式呢? |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Family outting to...
"How i wish to have a family outting..." My wish from the past... nearly a year! --------------------------------------------------------------- Its time to plan for a short trip with husband since he will be a bit OK next month. Been hint to him a few places on Sunday night, i.e. Penang, Pangkor, Langkawi (ya, Langkawi again!), Melaka, Genting, KK, Kuantan and etc. But he told me this: no beach please! I never understand why? May be it will be difficult for him to take photos as well as he need to be more caution to his camera gadgets and our belonging! Beside, he also said this: "No Penang please, I feel bored when I was there last month." "What about Melaka?" "Can..." "But oh, we went back to Melacca last Cheng Beng wor." "You have said Cheng Beng mah, not relaxing mah..." "Genting leh? But..." "Too near is it?" "Ya, it's just too near... as we just need the cool air there not the Genting Theme Park." "What about KK?" "Huh, you want to climb the Mount KK ar?" "No, I would like to have a sight seeing there..." bla bla bla... Anyway, since he has agreed to have a short trip, I should start and act fast now before he change his mind! |
beh tahan
昨晚上大概8.40到家,女儿见我回到,就来不及拿锁匙给我,还没踏进家门一步,就已经看见地面上铺满了一大堆的玩具,拼图,卡片,颜色笔等等。 我真的是忍不住了,就开始发飙了,便收拾便喊说:"玩具玩到满地都是,好像没有人看你这样!" 我老妈听后,就开始骂回我说:"一回到来就发癫,乱骂;我已经喊了她多少次,就是不收拾玩具!" (说真的,我女儿怎么教/叫,就是不会自己收拾玩具,反而很喜欢把东西乱丢!) 收拾半途,发觉她连裤子都倒反来穿! 边叫她脱裤子边说:"你看你,连裤子倒反了也没有人发觉!" 我的天啊,虽然她已经会自己穿裤子了,也请帮忙看下她穿的裤子有没有反过来,才好让她穿,这已经是第二次把裤子给穿反了!! (我知道老妈要忙顾她,忙煮饭,甚至还要忙裁缝,可是应该可以瞄一下她是否有把裤子穿对吧?) 最后最后,把拼图都排好了,发觉最后的一小片拼图竟然不见了,也不晓得她把这小片拼图踢到哪个角落了,翻了沙发,桌椅底下还是找不着! 我最讨厌缺片的拼图了,已经没有那个意思再给她玩这幅拼图了,真的是很想把它给丢掉! (我是完美主义者,有点缺陷的东西真的是接受不来。) 家已经有够乱的,还弄个更加乱的场面出来,不火爆就假的! 其实我是beh tahan 才会这样,否则我是可以忍气吞声的慢慢收拾... 换句话说:我是超级低EQ的妈妈。 算了,昨天的她也许没睡午觉,差不多十点喝着一瓶奶就睡着了,直到天亮,我今早出门时她也还在睡。 |
Thursday, November 25, 2010
toddler to cinema
What is the best age to tag a toddler to cinema? Erm, I'm not that confidence to tag my gal along to the cinema although hub wish her to join us for a movie. Any idea where you can share with me to get a hyper-active toddler to sit quietly for the whole movie? Junk food? Soft drink? Favorite movie character? What else? |
老公刚才说:不用去韩国咯! 我奇怪问了一句:为什么列? 他说:韩国打仗啊,你打我,我打你,怎样去咧? 哎哟,公司还没有宣布任何消息,不要做这么坏的打算咯! 也许,会换别的国家也说不定哦! 我也不敢多说,其实我自己也是有点担心,到底会不会影响我三月份的韩国旅游呢? 不是打到这么激烈吧?! 这场战争什么时候才会结束呢? 究竟会不会影响韩国之旅呢? |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Received sms that the Korea Be Inspired 2011 Trip ~ Potential Incentive Achievers Listing is out and was posted in their website today. Immediately checked and noticed that hub's name is appeared and he is one of the potential achievers to submit registration complete with the photocopy of passport to the office. Nevertheless, he is required to maintain and fulfill the program's requirement until end of November 2010. Although I cannot travel with him this time, I did feel very happy for him. Forgot to mention, the expected traveling dates are between 12th to 20th January 2011, a day before his birthday. |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
To all my working colleagues,
I hate all this, frankly! |
**giveaway** myplayschool.net
I'm very happy to share with you that there is a website in sharing the info of home schooling ---> myplayschool.net and I'm sure that you will be gaining a lot of knowledge in guiding your preschoolers at home. Currently they are having a giveaway contest; 3 Math Start Books each for 3 lucky winners, simply enter to this website ---> here. Don't miss this contest as it is open until Midnight Friday, 19 November 2010. Please take note that the contest is only open to the readers in Asia. |
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
simply de picture
Hubs captured this photo during the last Chinese New Year dd 18 February 2010. Looks like I'm so admiring her... |
小妹失恋了 每天都提不起精神 郁郁不乐 以泪洗脸 可怜到了极点 希望她赶快提起精神 重新振作 送她梁静茹的歌《分手快乐》 You must be stronger calm down yourself |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I thought of not to join Annual Dinner 2010 Committee Member this round as our division's representative wish to withdraw out from the team (too busy at the site). I'm knowing so well of my other colleagues, they got all kind of reasons from their mouth for not joining the team as well as plan to ponteng the night of the dinner too! Sigh... At last, I am the one who kena again!!! Very susah lah... |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
lousy copycat
If you have set up your own company, please create all the forms by your own, and stop asking all sort of formats from me! It is not fair to steal people's idea, amend certain parts & showing to your customer for submission purposes! I feel want to ignore your request!!! I'm so piss off! YOU ARE A SH*T!! PS: Although I'm not the creator (I'm the one who type it out), please respect my boss and please bear in mind that he is your boss also! |
Monday, October 18, 2010
不知何故 昨晚听黄小虎现场献唱"没那么简单"的时候 突然间飙泪 女儿还傻傻的看着我 抹眼泪也不急了 好糗哦! 她刚开始唱的时候 我人还好好的 还跟着歌词一起合 唱啊唱的 应该是中间的部分吧 就开始飙泪了 应该是第二次 有如此的状况吧! 注: 昨晚看她唱现场,真的是听出耳油;除了唱"没那么简单"之外,还唱了"My Way",好听到... |
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
早在上个月的廿日,我在c4花了RM10.40,买了5本Sticker & Colouring Book (当中包括一本剪粘画本)给女儿练习填色技巧。除了可以图颜色之外,也可以玩书内的贴纸,这些都是她的最爱;加上之前的图画本也已经被她填得七七八八了。 到家没多久,就自己开始上色了,老公见状就喝止了她说:"诶,做么乱乱涂呢?" 我听后就回了他一句:"不用紧啦,让她自由发挥,最重要是她自己喜欢啊,干嘛这么注重她的颜色分配呢?" 其实早在数个月前,我老妈也曾经说我为什么我不纠正她呢?而我则静静不出声,也不去多做解释,继续让我女儿自由发挥。 对我来说,她还小,无论她的填色技巧是如何,都应该给她鼓励,而不是当场喝止她。 就如孙瑞雪的《爱和自由》里提到:小孩子经过了一段时间摸索/观察过后,就会填上正确的颜色了。 所以我也是以这个角度来让我女儿慢慢去摸索,了解;久而久之,她一定会告诉你正确的颜色配搭了。 |
Monday, October 11, 2010
突然间的我 很想变身为 《逃学威龙》 老板不在 其他的同事也---- 突然间不见掉 这更加令我突发奇想 即时打电话 叫部的士过来公司 让我逃离我的工作范围 好让我回家? 或者 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 在外溜达 不错吧?! 只因我突然间 被懒惰虫上身了。。。 |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
NO!!!! I hate to work on Rest Day!!!!!
WTH, tomorrow need to work!!!
Luckily Guan can bring the girl to the class, else I got to miss a class again! |
18/9/2010 上两个星期六是公司的家庭日,也是第一次缺席音乐课;没有办法,我是家庭日的筹备委员之一,而且还是负责打点/招待公司的重要人物---大老板;在逼不得已的情况下,不得不这样,而且也亏了大概五十块学费吧,心痛无比! (我心痛不是因为钱,而是因为女儿少上了一堂课,学少了东西) 由于主席吩咐所有的委员早上七点半抵达,为了不想家人陪着我这么早到,就在星期五晚上在同事家借宿,也是我第一次七早八早抵达双威游乐场准备后备的工作。偷偷告诉你,我的心跳加速了许多,因为这是我第一次要负责这么重要的任务,万一出了什么差错而得罪了老板,我的饭碗就可能不保了。 至于我的家人嘛,当中包括我老妈,大概九点钟才出发,大概十点才抵达。而女儿不知为了什么,见到我就开始闹别扭,还一直要我抱,不肯我走远一步;于是就叫我老妈,直接带她去游泳池,直到她适应了那里的环境后,哇噻,她竟然不要我了,而且还跟同事的孩子玩,连陌生人也不放过了,还懂得自己一人到处乱窜! (小孩子就是这样,要利用一些时间来热身,过后才会玩得热起来!) 当所有的节目正式结束后,大概是下午一点吧,我才有时间陪她;可是她玩得太累了,整个下午都发脾气,不肯自己走路,还只是要我一个人抱!我的天啊!抱得我全身无力,更糟糕的是,我还得抱着她过吊桥,后面的人都替我抹冷汗! 好笑的是,原来我女儿喜欢坐转杯子,一次不够,就再排队,坐第二次,坐得我头昏脑花! 下午四点,所有人的体力开始透支了 ,这个时候才甘愿离开;而女儿则在半路,喝了瓶奶后就睡着了。 备注:当天的入门票都是公司付钱,否则我真的是不舍得出这笔钱买票到双威喜乐。 |
15/9/2010 那晚大概九点多,她突然吵着要喝奶,就泡一瓶给她;而我就继续我的工作,坐在电脑面前玩面子书。 过后我也没有听到她的吵闹声,也没有吵着要换光碟。通常她喝完一瓶奶过后,都会吵闹要换光碟喇,吃冰淇淋喇,等等。。。 心想:突然间整间家里变得相当的宁静,于是就往客厅看,我的瓜就这样的赖在沙发上睡着了。 哇,我的瓜竟然这么累,可以这么早睡觉哦。。。 我突然间觉得我需要的的是"宁静"。 |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
De Moon
My girl has fall in love to the moon lately. So last weekend, when we are on the way to Putrajaya, she saw it and scream out: Moon... Star... Ya, beside moon, she loves star as well. She keeps on repeating, repeating and repeating these two words whole night. And last few night, she ask me to open the door for her. You know what she did, she quickly wearing her slipper, ran out to the car porch area, pointing to the sky and said: Moon... LOL |
No more Moshi Moshi Japan
Although I managed to find RM290.00 returned ticket to Japan, but I didn't 'click' on that... People is asking me 'why'? I should 'click' first than only decide later. The reason being is my ideal date to make a trip to Japan is too near to my Korea trip. Seconddly, I hate Summer. So no choice, NO MORE MOSHI MOSHI JAPAN FOR ME NEXT YEAR!!! |
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Moshi Moshi Japan
我家有个刁蛮女 脾气非常的暴躁 很爱大喊大叫 要不就动手打人 再不就把东西乱丢 得不到的东西 就会以呐喊来发泄 东西从桌面上掉下来 也只会坐在原地大喊 拼图散乱了 也是一样大喊 睡眠的时间也颠倒了 凌晨才呼呼大睡 好令人反感哦 可是她也有好的一面 也有乖乖听话的时候 心情好的时候 会自个儿唱歌 跳舞 或者 自己一人乖乖听儿歌 边跟着电视里的姐姐们做动作 甚至大合唱 又或者 自己一人乖乖画图画 静静一人涂颜色 甚至于自己看绘本 念ABC 玩拼图 积木等等 不会打扰任何人 我在想:是不是只有我家的女儿才这样呢? 还是老公所说的:两公婆的臭脾气相加起来等于双倍的臭脾气? |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
我们先跑到文具部买了些颜色笔长短个一盒,蜡笔一盒,水彩笔个两盒,一些文件夹,一个Barbie VCD,原子笔等等。付钱还得大排长龙,等了将近半个小时才搞定,而且排在我们后面的安娣还借给我们大众会员卡,让我们享有40%的折扣。谢谢你咯,安娣。
当中包括了两本绘本和一套Clifford Phonics Reading Program,总共花费了RM40.00。
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
这两天去了一趟Cherating,很轻松自在的旅程。。。而且我也放了很悠长的假期,不错! 而女儿也很听话,偶尔在车上大吵大闹(都是正常的),在车里唱唱歌,累了就躺在我的大腿睡午觉,表现真的是很好。 当她走累了,就摊开双手告诉我说:"我抱你。" 诶?怎么她会这么说呢? 于是就回她道:"哇,你这么厉害哦,可以抱得起妈咪哦,应该说你抱我。" 过后她还是重复同一句:我抱你 好好笑哦! 童言~~~ |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
sleeping baby
Baby break her first record today as she doze off before 8.50pm at the living room.
I should take a photo of her sleeping look but unfortunately am busy with my housechores; I'd carried her to the bedroom to avoid kisses from the mosquitoes.
Good night everyone... as my eyes cannot open anymore...
I should take a photo of her sleeping look but unfortunately am busy with my housechores; I'd carried her to the bedroom to avoid kisses from the mosquitoes.
Good night everyone... as my eyes cannot open anymore...
She can cycling
She dig out this 'old' bicycle from the room and cycling happily last two week. Although her leg are not 'long' enough to step on the pedals but she is still enjoy cycling (slowly and on straight line). She still need a helper to turn her bicycle at the moment. When she nearly 'bang' to the wall, she will be shouted and said: 转 turn... And the helper ---> me got to run to her and turning the bicycle... LOL |
Alone with daddy
Today is my first time leaving baby alone with daddy. My mom will be attending her friend's funeral at around 2.00pm and I doesn't want to take a day leave today, so seeking daddy's help. I'm a bit worried that baby doesn't want to follow her daddy, I asked her yesterday: "Daddy will be taking care of you tomorrow afternoon, OK?" "不要 Don't want..." "Daddy got car..." "不要 Don't want..." How if you was me when you received this kind of reply from the girl? pengsan or not? |
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Before & after de class
Basically baby is very enjoy in the music class and I will never regret to enroll her into it although it is only takes 45 minutes to finish. Before the class started provided that we reach the studio early, baby will be holding the ball and sitting aside. May be she will starts playing alone by bouncing the balls, holding the ball at her back as what teacher showing them earlier to warming up herself until the class started. To cut it short, this is how she look before the class starts (as picture no. 1). -------------------------------------- When the class is going to finish, teacher will be sitting a side too and all the kids will be coming towards to her to get the 'chop' --- I should said a "stamp". The funny part is the kids will be lifting their shirt up to let the teacher stamp on their belly, how funny there are. So teacher will be busy handling them by stamping on their hand, palm as well as their belly. Each of them will be getting 5 stamps after the class. LOL. My baby will be happily telling us: teacher 给. Look at the picture, she is showing us her stamp on the belly as well as her hand. Yeah, this is how the teacher rewards them on every classes. |
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