
Monday, June 29, 2009

A busy month?

One of the photo I love most!

Hubby told me that he will be very busy again starting from this week. He will be busy with the center's activities, training, etc. on this coming Sunday.

Gosh, I hate to hear from him that he is busy during the weekend. This is the only time we can accompany baby Yvannie and this is our family day.

I told hubby that Yvannie will start complaining when she can talk: "why daddy always busy?"

Hubby was laughed and ignored my question.

You know, I was so bored when he is not with us on Sunday and also Public Holiday. Sometimes, he can reach home late at night, i.e. 11pm, else he can reach home early after his training finished i.e. 7pm. Then he will spend his time with us at the nearest shopping mall, i.e. Jaya Jusco, follow by a drink at the café. Yeah, this is what I want during our weekend.

At least we can relax ourselves, gossiping, discussing on our problems faced, Yvannie’s future, etc. there are a lot of topics we can touch on.

Hope that hubby’s weekend will not be fully used by others.

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