
Monday, November 23, 2009

no chicken?

It was happened last week morning before Rama came to my house.

My girl woke up very early lately, so before I proceed to work, I bring her for a short morning walk around our house. Previously my mother kept 2 chickens outside, normally when my girl walk by, she will said: ji ji / chicken / cock.

That morning, she said: “ji ji?” Where is the chicken?

Me: ji ji mei you liao 鸡鸡没有了. The chicken has gone.

YL: ji ji mei you liao a? 鸡鸡没有了啊 The chicken gone ar?

Me: shi lo, ji ji mei you liao loh! Ji ji bei ni chi liao lo! 是咯,鸡鸡没有了咯,鸡鸡被你吃了咯!yap, the chicken has gone, you ate the chicken.

Than, she keep on telling me: ji ji mei you liao…

Whenever we passing by, she will telling her po po that: ji ji mei you liao 鸡鸡没有了!

BTW, I teach her very simple English with error in grammar: No chicken.

And she also followed: No chicken. (hahaha, the mother teaching her the wrong English and she did absorb every fast!)

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